Home Cuisine How to make 4 dishes from bitter melon is both delicious and...

How to make 4 dishes from bitter melon is both delicious and good for health


Bitter melon (or bitter melon) is one of the most nutritious and healthy cooking ingredients.
Misery through minced meat

Resources: – 3 – 4 bitter melon fruits, about 500g or depending on the size, you should choose short fruits, big thorns so that when cooking will be less bitter. – 300gr of lean pork tenderloin – 100gr of mushrooms – 500gr of bone with meat – 100gr green onion, cilantro – 1 chicken egg – 3 capsicum – Spices: seasoning seeds, sugar, monosodium glutamate, pepper, salt, dried onion, garlic, chili set Making: Step 1: Preliminary processing of the ingredients – The bones are washed with salt water to reduce fishy, ​​pour in a pot to simmer with boiling water for about 3 minutes to remove any dirt, pour out and rinse with water. – Cut the bones and bake 1.5 liters of broth for about 4-5 hours, in the process of tunneling, remember to remove all the bubbles to make the water clear. – Bitter melon (bitter melon) washed, cut 2 ends, use a knife to cut 1 line in the middle about 1/2 of the left, hook out the inner intestines to remove. – Dried onion and garlic, peeled, minced. The mushrooms clean, cut off the tail, chopped or shredded. – Chicken eggs beat the whites. – Lean tenderloin, finely sliced ​​and marinated with 1 teaspoon minced garlic onion, 2 teaspoons seasoning seeds, 1/2 teaspoon of MSG, 1/2 teaspoon of pepper for 15 minutes to infuse spices. – Mix the meat with the mushrooms and continue to mince, then mix well with the egg whites to make the meat more delicious. – Clean scallions, cilantro, take a few green onion leaves to about cm in length, the rest pureed. – Chili fruit, seeded, long sliced, put in a cup of pure fish sauce to eat with bitter melon soup. Step 2: How to cook bitter soup through stuffing with meat is not bitter – Cut the bitter melon fruit in half, use a sharp knife to cut it again to clean the intestines and then stuff the mixture of meat, mushrooms and eggs. If the leftover filling is left over, you can roll the pellets and put them in the soup while the broth boils. – Use a few long onion leaves to lightly dip in boiling water and tie it to the bitter melon just stuffed beautifully. – Heat the pot on the stove, fry 2 tablespoons of cooking oil with 1 teaspoon of minced garlic and onion and a little chili powder for the dish to have a beautiful color. – For the prepared broth, add 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of seasoning seeds, 1 teaspoon of MSG to taste. – When the broth is boiling, you put the bitter melon in the stew with low heat, continue to remove the foam from the top to make the broth clearer and sweeter. – When the bitterness is stuffed evenly cooked (can be tried by using a toothpick to pierce the bitter melon fruit and it is easy to see that the dish is already cooked), taste the spices to taste, absolutely do not season with water. fish sauce because fish sauce will make the soup sour. Step 3: Complete and enjoy – Scoop the soup into a bowl, sprinkle green onions, cilantro and 1/2 teaspoon of pepper on top and you’re done. The dish is ready to enjoy. – The bitter melon soup stuffed with meat has a sweet taste to taste, cooked evenly, with the meat stuffed with taste, deliciously mixed with the characteristic delicious taste of bitter melon is very attractive. This dish enjoyed with hot rice and a bowl of pure fish sauce will be very attractive. Deep fried bitter melon Resources: – Bitter melon: 2 fruits
Chicken eggs: 2 fruits
– Tapioca flour, fried flour
– Spices: fish sauce, salt, cooking oil Making: – Bitter melon: washed, then cut into small slices to taste, gut. For delicious crispy bitter melon and no more bitter taste, right after you have finished preparing the bitter melon, soak it in cold ice for 5-10 minutes. – Chicken eggs: beat in a bowl, add a little salt and fish sauce and stir well. – Tapioca and fried flour for you to put in 2 different bowls.
– Dip the bitter melon and roll it over the eggs.
– Continue rolling through the flour mixture so that the dough sticks evenly on the bitter melon.
Do the same until all of the ingredients are gone. – Put cooking oil in a hot pan.
– Drop each piece of bitter melon in a pan, roll and fry until golden brown evenly.
– After ripe, crispy bitter melon, take out a plate that already has oil absorbent paper. After the frying is finished, at this point you will enjoy the food only. Bitter melon stir-fried with beef Resources: – Bitter melon: 1 fruit
– Beef: 300g
– Carrots: 1 medium bulb
– Fermented black beans, garlic
– Spices: salt, sugar, pepper, sesame oil, cornstarch, cooking oil Making: Step 1: Preliminary processing of raw materials – Bitter melon: wash, split the fruit vertically to remove all the intestines inside. Then cut into small and thin pieces to taste. Note: in order not to get bitter, when cut, you should soak it in ice water with a little salt.
– Beef: washed, sliced ​​thin.
– Carrots: peel, wash, if you like you can prune flowers and then cut into pieces to taste.
– Garlic: peeled, crushed and chopped.
– Fermented black beans: soak in water for 15-20 minutes and then let dry, chop into small pieces. Step 2: Marinate the beef – After preparing all the ingredients, put the beef in a large bowl.
– Add salt, sugar, cornstarch, cooking oil in a moderate amount. Mix all of these ingredients together and let it sit for about 10 minutes to allow the beef to soak in the spices. Step 3: Make bitter melon stir-fry with beef – Put a little cooking oil in the pan, heat it up. Put the seasoned beef on the stir fry, quickly until the beef is pale, you shovel the beef onto the plate. – For a little more cooking oil, for garlic and black beans to not fragrant gold. – Add bitter melon and carrot to stir-fry. Just stir fry for about 3 minutes to soften the vegetables, then pour the previously cooked beef and stir-fry. – Stir fry until all ingredients are cooked, then season them again, add a little pepper to make the dish have an attractive spicy taste. Bitter melon fried with eggs Resources: – 2 – 3 bitter melon fruit – 1 – 2 chicken eggs – Spices: fish sauce, salt, cooking oil, pepper … Making: Step 1: Preliminary processing of bitter melon – Bitter melon bought from the market and brought back and washed, soaked in salt water to remove all bacteria and then remove the intestines. Bring pieces of bitter melon to taste. Should be sliced ​​to make the dish more attractive. Step 2: How to fry bitter melon with eggs – Next, you whisk the eggs with a little sugar and fish sauce. – Put a clean pan on the stove to heat and add some cooking oil. Wait for the oil to boil, add the chopped dry onion to the non-gold. Add the bitter melon and stir-fry, add a little spice to taste. – When the bitter melon is nearly ripe, you add the beaten eggs to the island evenly. The eggs will stick around the bitter melon. Step 3: Complete – Try again and season to taste. Take out the dish on a plate and sprinkle with green onion and pepper to make it attractive. – The bitter melon dish fried with eggs will taste better when eaten with white rice while still hot. Tieu Bao (Synthetic) Photo: Collectibles